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Q. Is it necessary to inform the Japan Patent Office (JPO) when the name and/or address of a patentee or an applicant of a patent application changes? If yes, what is the procedure for doing that? Also, what document(s) is/are required?


If the name and/or address of the applicant of a pending Japanese patent application changes, the applicant must submit to the JPO a Notification of Change of Name of Applicant(s) and/or a Notification of Change of Address of Applicant, as applicable.
If the name and/or address of the patentee of a Japanese patent has changed, the patentee must submit to the JPO a Request to Register Change of Registered Owner.
Kyosei can submit to the JPO, on behalf of an applicant or patentee, the necessary document(s) to change the name and/or address. We will provide on a case-by-case basis an estimate of the cost for submitting the document(s). We require a Power of Attorney (POA) form executed by the applicant or patentee, as is applicable, for us to process a change of name and/or change of address of an applicant or patentee.



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